Scarlet Seas and Starlit Skies Wiki


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Welcome to the Scarlet Seas and Starlit Skies Wiki

The SSASS Wiki is a collaborative wiki for an AU/ spin off story of Deep Sea Prisoner's : Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea

Read our guidelines first before starting to edit!
We would appreciate any and every bit of help we can get!
Please refrain from making "joke edits" or causing general havoc.

Please be warned that this wiki contains unmarked spoilers for some of Deep Sea prisoner's works!


Scarlet Seas and Starlit Skies or SSASS, is a collaborative passion project that was inspired by Deep Sea Prisoner's: Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea [1]. The 5 people who collaborated to produce the spin off are "Bath", "Ice", "Sand", "Lagoon" and "Tea". All of them incorporated their original content into the story, characters, etc, one way or another, and they all participated in creating artwork for the project.

◆ Deep-Sea Prisoner's Website ◆
